2013年7月13日 星期六

英文慣用語第十一集歸納篇(English Idioms Episode 11) 7-14-2013 日


英文慣用語第十一集歸納篇(English Idioms Episode 11)


─摘自《英漢成語異同比較》作者 肖芬(Xiao Fen)老師,中國,中南財經政法大學外語學院副教授。


Content of English Idioms Episode 11(21 Items)

01. Build a castles in the air/ Head In The Clouds/ Flights of Fancy or

02. Bite the dust
/ Kick the bucket.

03. Chew someone out/ A flea in one's ear/Finger-pointing / The

Blame Game.

04. To cast / put a damper on something & To throw/pour cold water

on something & Throw a wet blanket on & Burst your bubble &

Rain on your parade.

05. Spill the beans/Let the cat out of the bag/Tip-off.

06. Close shave/ A close call /In The Nick Of Time/ At the last


01. Build a castles in the air/ Head In The Clouds/ Flights of Fancy or Fantasy
三個慣用語都有空中樓閣,不切實際或做白日夢的意思(something is not practical or day dreaming)。

Build a castles in the air的例句:
1. Mr. Bush tries to spend billions of dollars for missile defense system which some countries view as building a castle in the air.
2. Don't
build castles in the air when you design this important project.
3. He is the builder of castles in the air. 他是一位不切實際的人。

4. Your mind was on something not so practical castles in the air.

5. He returned to his lodging with his head full of castle in the air.

6. Theoreticians are busy building and refining the castles in the air of the model world.理論家們忙於建立和改善模型世界中的空中樓閣。

7. Kirk is building castles in the air , he knows he'll never travel to central Asia.柯克是在做白日夢,他明明知道他是決不可能去中亞旅行的。

8. If you don’t study hard from now on , your ambition to enter Harvard university will be just castles in the air.

9. As for our country , high technology industry is the necessary road to realize industrialization . during the process of high technology industry development , capital is a key factor without it , technology progress and industrialization become castles in the air.
10. If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.

    你建了空中樓閣,你的辛勞不是白費的理當在那裡。現在要做的,是在它下面鋪好地基。----Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)

1. If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.Henry David Thoreau亨利·戴維·梭羅的名言


get one’s head in the clouds

have one's thoughts far away意思是想入非非
be daydreaming意思是做白日夢

是指某人在做白日夢,老是脫離現實,想入非非;而Get your head out of the clouds.就是在勸誡人不要再做白日夢了。

Head In The Clouds(想入非非/做白日夢)的例句:

1. John's head is in the clouds again. He's talking about winning the


2. My son always has his head in the clouds. His teachers say he never concentrates in class!

3. You must have your head in the clouds if you think they're going to promote you this year.

4. A good artist should have his head in the clouds sometimes, but his feet always on the ground.

   藝術家時應富於幻想, 但始終腳踏實地。

5. Climb in the back with your head in the clouds.


6. The report he wrote was very optimistic; I think he has his head in the clouds. 他的報告寫非常樂觀; 我看他太理想化了。

7. You have your head in the cloudsOnly expert hikers can do that.

   是不是腦袋不太清楚? 只有專業登山者可能做的到。

8. Sometimes a person with his head in the clouds can be brought back

   to reality. 有時腦袋跑到九霄雲外人可以被拉回到現實中。

9. She always has her head in the clouds, daydreaming about being a star.

   她腦子總是想著不切實際的事, 幻想著成為明星。

10. Rather than having his head in the clouds , Mr. Chen needs to be more pragmatic. 陳先生不要老做白日夢,還是講究實際吧!

11. Amy wants to buy a car for $ 500 dollars. She has her head in the clouds. The car is much more expensive than that.

Flights of Fancy/Fantasy(想入非非, 異想天開)的例句:

1. Her latest flight of fancy is to go camping in the Sahara desert!

2. You were talking about cycling across the US, or was that just another flight of fancy?
3. My ambition is to become a film star, but it's probably just a flight of

   fancy. 我的抱負是想成為一名電影明星,但這也許只是異想天開。

4. The authorities took their usual humorless approach to this flight of

   fancy. 當局以一貫一本正經的行事風格對待這次異想天開之旅。


5. A flight of fancy with one or two others.

6. You said you want to travel around china by bicycle , or it is just a flight of fancy.

02. bite the dust/ kick the bucket兩種慣用語均表死亡to die or to pass away)。

慣用語是來自 希臘時代荷馬的伊里亞德(Homer's Iliad)Homer描寫在特洛伊戰爭(Trojan War)時,許多將死的士兵在bite the dust。另外假如一個人摔倒在土地上,口裡會有泥土,也是在「咬塵埃」。所以bite the dust是被打倒或死亡(to fall in defeat or to die)。
bite the dust的例句:動詞時態:bite, bit, bitten bit
1. Everyone will eventually bite the dust.人人最終都有一死。
2. After being hit by the car, the dog bit the dust.
3. Don't you feel awful when so many innocent people bit the dust during the war?
4. It was such a serious battle that all the soldiers bit the dust. The native dedicated a monument in honor of them.


5. My old bike choked, spluttered before finally biting the dust.
6. The cavalry commander predicted that many Sioux would bite the dust if they attacked the fort.


7. I hope it doesn't bite the dust before payday.


8. Without a fair hearing, one more promising career at Ford would bite the dust. 福特公司又一個人的美好前程就輕輕斷送了,而不容許申訴。

9. In the combat we made our enemy bite the dust.


10. Another of my great ideas bites the dust !

11. Does another mathematical program bite the dust.

12. Another sponsor bite the dust ? - they come , they go
又一個贊助商跑了? 來來去去,是常事。

13. Our team bit the dust today.我們的球隊今天輸得一塌糊塗。
14. He bit the dust before the class when the teacher scolded him in the morning.
15. During the war in Iraq , over one thousand American youngsters have bit the dust.

16. Rowling isn't naming names , but she has said at least two characters will bite the dust.

17. My fridge bit the dust last night . i ' m hoping to get a new one really quickly before all my frozen foods thaw out

kick the bucket據說在十七世紀就已在英國使用。因為當時處理死刑犯人時,要站在桶子(bucket)上,再把絞索(noose)套在脖子上,然後踢掉桶子,絞索就會拉緊而吊死。
kick the bucket最好不要用在講長輩或尊敬的對象的過世。

通常是在講自己,或是可以開這種玩笑的對象。在有禮貌的談話中不太使用這慣用語。bucket 後面不加 s

kick the bucket的例句:

1. I hope I will have no regrets when I kick the bucket someday.

2. The old farmer's sons fought over his farm after he kicked the

3. If he does not take care of himself, he may kick the bucket sooner or

   later. 假如他自己不多保重身體,遲早會死。
4. Eventually, all of us will kick the bucket.
5. Your old friend Charley's not working here anymore. In fact we heard he kicked the bucket down in Texas last winter; he got kicked in the head by a horse he was trying to saddle up.


6. That old dog next door finally kicked the bucket. He was sixteen years old, toothless, blind and could hardly get around. Sixteen years is a long time for a dog, so it was time for him to go.


7. You're right, and it's enough to make one kick the bucket here.


8. When I kick the bucket, bury me on top of that mountain.


9. His heirs were greedily waiting for him to kick the bucket.


10. What do you know is sadder than the sun, you don't even have

    bucket to kick!


03. chew someone out/ a flea in one's ear尖刻的斥責,譏諷/Finger-pointing & The Blame Game.交相指責與諉過於人。

chew someone out的例句:

當一個人嚴厲責罵別人時,通常舌頭動得特別猛,於是一些作家把它形容成「猛咬」(fast chewing),似乎把人家咬碎了。
1. The woman supervisor was almost chewing him out because of his frequent tardiness.
2. I am afraid I shall be chewed out if I don't do it right.

3. He devoted a full column to chewing out government for illegal wiretapping. 他用整欄的篇幅嚴厲譴責政府的非法竊聽措施。

BlameTo find fault withcensureTo criticize severely. To condemn


2. 此圖中提到之criticizecondemncomplain等都有責罵抱怨的意思。

a flea in one's ear的例句
1. The idea about changing the schedules is a flea in the supervisor's ear that we wish he would forget.

2. Don't blame me if you come back with a flea in your ear!




5. If I did try to do anything, I'd only get sent off with a flea in my ear.假使我真的去試探一下,準會碰一鼻子灰。

6. When he came to ask for his job back, we sent him away with a flea in his ear.他來要求復職,結果被我們給轟走了。



9. He went with a flea in his ear.


10. I'll put a flea in her ear if she bothers me once more.


11. I'll put a flea in his ear if he bothers me once more



13. If he tried to take over my little operation, he'd soon get a flea in his ear. 如果他想搶走我的小生意,我馬上就要氣氣他。


Finger-pointing 的定義The act of blaming someone for something; the imputation of blame. 因為某事情而指責某人。

·       1. Fragmentation of rule writing, supervision and enforcement led to finger-pointing in place of effective action.


2. They want all  the finger - pointing about intelligence failures to

   stop. 他們希望停止所有針對情報失誤的指責。

33. Past elections involved clashes of ideas and angry finger - pointing between the big parties.


44. There's a lot of finger - pointing throughout this case.


55. We see the futility of finger - pointing. 我們看到指責毫無益處。


the blame game的例句:

1. Harry Truman, who was President from 1945 to 1952, was one man who did not play the blame game. He had a sign on his desk: The Buck Stops Here.


2. I'm not going to play the blame game and say who's at fault that so many people are out of work. But I have to tell you my opponent did vote against three bills to create new jobs.


3. In fact the blame game must start at the beginning.


4. Decide today to give up the blame game and take responsibility for your own life by mastering the art of self-discipline.


5. If the blame game put people to work we'd all be rolling in money.

6. Jim , of a nanosecond is the time between a market plunging and the blame game starting.

7. The surest sign of the dearth of true leadership is that the blame game is in full force.

04. to cast / put a damper on something &

to throw/pour cold water on something & throw a wet blanket on & burst your bubble & rain on your parade


一、 to throw/pour cold water on something的例句:

1. Stop throwing cold water on my proposal!

2. Our parents threw cold water on our plan to camp in the mountains because they thought it was dangerous.


3. He poured cold water on my championship hopes, saying that my opponent could easily beat me.


二、to cast / put a damper on something的例句:

damper是指火爐的節風閘板When the damper is closed, the fire goes out (關上節風閘,爐火就會熄滅。)引伸其義成為潑冷水。

1. The cold weather put a damper on our plans.


2. John's wet blanket and put a damper on everything.


3. A death in the family put a damper on our Christmas celebrations.


4. Normally that situation would put a damper on demand.


5. However, morning sickness and fatigue can put a damper on anyone's

   libido. 顯然,早晨的不適及疲勞會影響性慾。

6. This unwelcome news put a damper on the celebrations.


7. Rain put a damper on our picnic plans.


8. Jealousy and anger will put a damper on what could be a very good

   week romantically.


9. Avoid negative friends, well meaning relatives and others who put a

   damper on your dreams.

   少接觸做事消極的朋友, 或者那些雖是善意的卻否定你的夢想的人.

10. I just hope that whole pony incident didn't put a damper on the



11. I hate to put a damper on your party, but you are too loud.

   我不願給你們的聚會潑冷水, 但是你們也太大聲了.

12. Other differences between films and music may also put a damper

    on Apple's ambitions.


13. Her icy attitude cast a damper on our enthusiasm.


三、throw cold water on的例句:

1. I thought my idea was great, but my boss threw cold water on it.

2. Stop throwing cold water on me.

3. Everybody else in the office thought my idea was great, but the boss

   threw cold water on it.

4. I've been planning to go to medical school but my dad threw cold

   water on this idea the other day when he told me he wasn't sure he

   had the money to pay my tuition for so long.


3. throw cold water on 潑冷水。

四、 throw a wet blanket on 的例句:
1. Peter likes to throw a wet blanket on the discussion.
2. He is such a wet blanket.

五、 burst my bubble的例句:

1. I had a great idea for a new website, until George burst my bubble and told me someone had already got there first.

2. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but the party has been cancelled.

3. I hate to burst your bubble, but you won't be getting a pay rise this


   當什麼東西 bubbles up 這就說這個東西漲起來了,或者可理解為什麼事情突然出現或發生了。

4. Anger and unrest have been bubbling up across parts of the city


六、rain on your parade的例句:

01. Jason: Hey baby, I made a reservation to this great restaurant on 12/22.寶貝,我訂了1222號的高級餐廳。
Jenny: Oh, sorry to rain on your parade, but I’ll have to work that day. 我不是想要潑你的冷水,但那天我要上班。

02. I don't want to rain on your parade, but I think the proposal you made is not workable.我不想掃你的興,但我覺得你的提案行不通。

4. rain on your parade潑人冷水。

05. Spill the beansLet the cat out of the bag(洩漏機密)另外tip-off為告密。

Spill The Beans的例句:

1. We are doomed, Paul spilled the beans about the party.

2. Play hooky. I won't spill the beans. 翹課吧,我不會說的。

3. I bet Polly you'd spill the beans to that reporter.


4. That Sue Ellen just can't keep her mouth shut! I invited her to our surprise party for Mary, and she went and spilled the beans to Mary. She says she's sorry but she certainly spoiled the surprise!

   那個Sue Ellen,她就是閉不上她那張嘴.我請她參加為Mary舉行的聚會,但是事先不要告訴Mary可是,她跑去告訴了Mary。她說她很抱歉,但是她卻破壞了我們要讓Mary感到很驚喜的計劃。

5. I planned to have the abortion first and then tell Frank. But I made a mistake by telling his mother about my plan. She spilled the beans and Frank was so mad that he didn't talk to me for a whole month.


6. When you see your friend ` s guy with another girl , do you spill the beans?如果你看見你朋友的男朋友跟別的女人在一起,你會不會去告密?

7. One of the robbers got caught and he spilled the beans on his partner.

8. I'm afraid your father spilled the beans about Noah.

9. It's no use to hide. He has spilled the beans already.

Let the cat out of the bag的例句:

1. We tried to keep the party a surprise for my mother but my sister let the cat out of the bag.


2. I let the cat out of the bag with only one day to go.


3. Really? Who let the cat out of the bag?


4. Did you let the cat out of the bag yet?


5. I accidently let the cat out of the Bag.


6. I bought a nice wrist watch as a surprise for my wife's birthday. But I'm afraid I let the cat out of the bag. I hid it under my socks and she found it when she was putting my clean clothes away.


7. It was supposed to be a secret that we were firing our accountant for stealing money. But one of the secretaries saw the memo and let the cat out of the bag by telling her friends.


Authentic Real English about let the cat out of the bag

Cat: Miaoooowwwwww!

Will: Hello, I'm William.

Li: Hi, I'm Li. Will, 我希望你花錢買這隻貓是有原因的,你瞧,牠嚇死了!

Will: I wanted to explain an English phrase. And I brought Whiskers to help.

Cat: Miaow.

Li: 你幹嘛要把牠塞到口袋裏?咱們趕緊講解今天的實境英語短語吧,然後你就可以讓這可憐的貓解放了。

Will: Okay, okay. So, right, Li, I'm going to tell you a very big secret.

Li: Yes?

Cat: Miaow?

Will: But you must promise never to let the cat out of the bag!

Li: No, we must let him out, he is unhappy.

Li insists to let the cat out of the bag.

Cat: Miaow!

Will: No, no. In English, when we say 'you mustn't let the cat out of the bag, it means that something is a secret and that you mustn't tell anyone.

Li: 啊,不讓貓從口袋裏出來這個短語的意思並不是說口袋裏真的有只貓,而是表示不要透露秘密,要保守秘密。

Cat: Miaow.

Will: Exactly. I brought Whiskers in just to help you remember the expression. If you let the cat out of the bag, it means that you reveal the truth.

Li: To let the cat out of the bag 意思是公開秘密。

Will: Yes. Listen to some examples.

8. We need to keep this quiet! If anyone lets the cat out of the bag there'll be trouble!

9. We were going to have a surprise birthday for dad, but my silly brother let the cat out of the bag the day before.

10. Well the cat's out of the bag now. Everyone knows Amy will be given the lead role.

Li: Okay I get it.

Cat: Miaow.

Li: 咱們短語歸短語,不過在你把這隻可憐的貓從這個口袋裏放出來之前,我不想聽你的秘密,你看牠叫得多可憐呢!I'm going to let it out!

Cat: Miaoooowwwwww!

Li: Owwwwww!

Will: Li, I actually meant it when I said don't let the cat out of the bag. Whiskers is a bit crazy.

Li: 你的貓太兇,走開,我真不該同情這只惡貓!

Will: Well, now you'll remember not to let the cat out of the bag next time!

5. Let the cat out of the bag.

密報; 告密A tip-off is a piece of information or a warning that you give to someone, often privately or secretly.

1. The man was arrested at his home after a tip-off to police from a member of the public.


2. She tipped off the authorities about the coup.

3. They tipped me off about a good bargain.


4. Journalists who were tipped off about the incident raced to the scene.事先聽到有關此事風聲的新聞記者爭先恐後趕赴現場。

5. The man was arrested after an anonymous tip-off.


6. That might tip off what the real price should be.


7. Did Nancy want him to tip off the IRS confidentially?


8. Acting on a tip-off, the police arrested the drug smugglers.


9. They got a tip-off on the raid. 他們得到突擊檢查的警告。

10. Since they're difficult to copy, the serial number should tip off a counterfeit bill. 而序號又難以複製, 因此通過它可以檢驗出假鈔.

11. The judge called for a pitcher of water, a tip - off that the session would be long. 法官要了一大杯水, 這表明審判要延續很長一段時間.

12. The police were given a tip - off .有人向警方告密。

13. Ray Allen once dunked the ball in his own hoop following tip - off a high school senior.

    Ray Allen曾經高中時在一次跳後把籃球扣進了自家籃筐.

14. We will try to be efficient and to control them from the tip - off.


15. Jennie lies after cheating Frank’s father, run immediately go upstairs tip off information.

Jennie撒謊Frank父親, 馬上上樓通風報信.

06. Close call/close shave/In The Nick Of Time/ At the last moment.千鈞一髮之際、生死存亡關頭。

Close call的例句:

Actually, close call means that you narrowly avoided danger. Something bad could have happened to you, but you narrowly avoided a bad situation.

原來 close call 就是說,差一點發生倒霉的事,我算是逃避了這倒霉事.我可以說,今天我差一點就給車撞了.對不對?

Yeah, that's right.

那~, close call 是不是一定得用在跟生命危險有關的場合呢?

Not really. Let me give you another example

00. The paper you and I turned in this week was almost late. That was also a close call.

對對對!那教授啊,讓我們在星期二前把報告交給他,我們是星期一晚上才去交的,差一點就過了限期,這也可以說是close call下回啊,我可再也不敢這麼做了。

01. The car almost ran me over .It was a close call.


02. Phew! That was a close call—she nearly saw us!


03. Joe had a close call when his motorbike nearly collided with a lorry.


04. That was a close call, the train nearly hit the car.


05. Whew! That was a close call! I almost walked into a pole.


06. The opinion polls predicted the election could go either way. But none of us expected that it would turn into such a close call. It's a mere few hundred votes that make the difference on who is going to be the next president.


07. When the rock missed him it was a close call. 差點被落石擊中。

08. Actually, Frank, close call means that you narrowly avoided


原來close call,差一點發生倒楣的事,逃避了這倒楣.

09. That was a close call! We nearly hit that car.

真是 ,我們差點撞那輛汽車.

10. We almost missed the train. That was a close call!

我們差一點就趕不火車. 真是 !

11. Dick: I heard you had a close call this morning.


12. And the answer is No. It's actually not even a close call.


13. Bob, that car nearly hit us! What a close call.

    Bob, 那輛車差一點就撞到我們! 真是千鈞一髮.

14. The bus almost ran him over. It was a close call.

    那輛汽車差點他碾死, 真可謂死裡逃生.

15. We had a close call on the freeway this morning.


16. They will fall but it is a close call.


17. It was a close call, but luckily enemy had had aim.

    真是千鈞一髮, 不過,很幸運地,敵人找錯了目標.

18. A close call, but for the White House a useful boost.

    貿易談判倖免於難, 但是對白宮來說鼓舞巨大.

19. That was a close call. We almost had an accident.

    剛剛真是千鈞一髮, 我們差點出車禍.

20. The heroes escaped that close call as well.


21. I almost hurt my leg when I played football this morning. It was

    close call. 我今天早上踢球時差點弄傷腿. 真是!

22. I agree. That was a close call. Another inch and you'd be dead.

    我同意. 那真是千鈞一髮. 再近一些時,你就死.

23. Oh, my God ! Are you okay? Geez, that was really a close call.

24. The Marines got their final close call as they assessed the compound for damage. 海軍陸戰隊接到停止攻擊的命令,並估計敵方損失。

25. Air Force One had a close call with the commuter plane the other day. 總統專機空軍一與民用飛機差點出事。

26. I sold my stock just before the market crashed. It was really a close

    call. 股市下跌之前就股票全拋了.真玄!

27. That same year I experienced an even more close call with Yogi Chen at Timber Cave!

    同年我與陳上師在Timber Cave也經歷一個更千鈞一髮的事件.

Close shaveA narrow escapeClose call In The Nick Of Time.千鈞一髮 逃生

6. Close call. 千鈞一髮。

close shave的例句

01. Wow, that was a close shave.哇,那次是僥倖脫險

02. The car passed this close to us——a real close call.


03. That was a close shave. The car just missed that perambulator.


04. His life is no longer in danger, but it was a close shave.

In The Nick Of Time的例句:

Nick是用刀子等銳器劃下的刻痕,原本是重要大事的戳記。in the nickin the very nick都是指到了某個「重要時刻」。

01. We arrived just in the nick of the time. Another five minutes, our plane would have left without us.

02. Sam was experimenting with stir frying last night and the wok caught fire. Luke rushed in with the fire blanket just in the nick of time.

03. I reached the airport in the very nick of time and made my flight

04. You've come in the nick of time! 你來得正是節骨眼上!

05. It was Kuei Chang - Lin arriving in the nick of time with a squad of

policemen. 這是桂長林帶著一班員警不遲不早趕到了!

06. You arrived just in the nick of time.


at the last moment的例句:

01. He caught his train at the last moment. 他在最後一刻趕上火車。

02. His courage failed him at the last moment.


03. I hope I can depend on you not to back out at the last moment.


04. At the last moment the player was able to hit the ball in.


05. At the last moment, the player was able to hit the ball in and so ensure his team's victory.

    關鍵時刻, 那個球員踢進,從而確保隊的勝利。

06. The second time, also, he sent word, but at the last moment.

    第二次, 他也讓人, 但是臨近開飯的時間。

07. She was always reluctant at this last moment, always a little

    fearful. 每次進教堂前的這一瞬間總有點猶豫, 總有點怕。

08. Sam pulled out to the scheme at the last moment.


09. Today, until the last moment, his movements had to appear

    normal. 今天, 直到最後一刻, 言行舉止都不能有絲毫異常。

10. He cried off the project at the last moment.


11. The military might back off at the last moment.


12. We always leave our packing to till the last moment.


13. He held back at the last moment, and lost excellent opportunity.

    他在最後片刻猶豫, 因而失掉極好機會。

14. She turned up at the last moment. 她在最後一分鐘了。

15. He gave in only at the last moment because he had no alternative.


16. If we turn on them at the last moment where will they be, eh?







22. At the last moment, Tom hit the ball in and so ensure their team's victory. 在最後的關頭,湯姆打進了一球,這樣就確保了他們球隊的勝利。



25. The gig was pulled at the last moment.特約演奏臨時取消了。


7. At the last moment. 最後一刻。

